Thursday, September 29, 2011

9 Month Stats

Jenna had her 9 month check up today! I went in thinking that she was not going to get any shots and of course I was wrong. She had to get the flu shot. I am pretty sure she will forever associate the doctor with shots. She is doing great and is growing. She still is on the small side (especially her feet) but her weight has bumped her up in the percentiles (all the good food she is eating). I expressed my concerns with the lack of crawling. The doctor told me not to worry and that some babies are more cautious and won't crawl or walk until they are ready. That pretty much sums up Jenna. She is very observant and I think wants to test things out before taking risks :) I have noticed that she will lean forward and rock a little to reach for a toy but then land on her belly. I am guessing she will be moving in the next few weeks.

Here are the numbers:
Height: 26 in. (4th percentile)
Weight: 17 lb. 10oz (40th percentile)
Head: 17.2 in. (50th percentile)

A few more pictures from Hawaii:

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Trip to the Big Island--Hawaii (Part 2)

Loved her floaty
The big pool at the Hilton
A very tired baby at the Lagoon
"What? I meant to put it in my mouth this way"
Evening swim
Last sunset
Sophie enjoying the sunset
Hawaii was so much fun and we had such a great time spending time with my family. I can't wait until we go to Kauai next month with Jeff's family :)

Trip to the Big Island--Hawaii (Part 1)

Grammy & Papa invited us to go to Kona with them for a week! Jeff, Jenna and I, along with my sister joined them last week. We had the best time relaxing, swimming and sight seeing.
Waiting in the airport
After a long day, we arrived in Kona
Beach in downtown Kona
Pool time
Auntie Tuse going down the slide
At the pool
Hawaiian Girl
Sunset from our porch
Waking up at 5am and going on a walk
Morning walk pictures
Mauna Kea Beach
Jenna was tired at the Luau
Akaka Falls

Kilauea Volcano
In front of the Thurston Lava Tube
Lava Tube
Climbing out of the tube
Black Sand Beach
Jeff going swimming with the tour guide