Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Little Baby, Big Pumpkin Farm...and a Camel

Last weekend we took advantage of the nice day and drove to Roloff Farms, which is the home of the TV show "Little People, Big World." Since they have a pumpkin farm, we decided Jenna needed to get her first pumpkin. 

As you can imagine, the farm attracts lots of people. Jeff and I first went there in 2009 and it was pretty crowded, but we had a lot of fun (a few pictures from that trip below):
Zach Roloff
Jeff 2009...picture for Grandpa Myron
It wasn't as busy this time but still lots of people; especially because TLC was there filming Matt Roloff's 50th Birthday (if you see that episode on TV, you can think of us). Since most people were crowded around where the cameras were, we took advantage of the empty pumpkin patch and took some photos of Jenna.
"This is the one!"
"You're not going to make me sit on this right?"
"Instead, you two make me sit on a big pile"
Too busy looking at the grass for a family picture
That's right...a camel at a pumpkin patch
 After taking some cute pictures, getting our pumpkin and seeing a camel our day was complete. Stay tuned for carving pictures and the best Halloween costume ever!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Olympics in My Future?

In the spirit of all parent's thinking their child will be a pro of some kind of sport...I am joining in and convinced I have a future Olympic swimmer on my hands :) As I have mentioned before, I take Jenna to a weekly swim class. It isn't swimming lessons; but the teacher does encourage us to show the babies how to paddle, kick, climb out of the pool and flip from back to tummy. We sing songs and do some of those motions.
Yesterday, I had Jenna on her tummy in the pool and put a toy in front of her so she would try and reach for it. To my surprise she started kicking and did a little paddling to get to the toy floating ahead of her. The teacher (Lisa) was just as surprised as I was that she was doing this. I did notice in Hawaii (see video that was posted) that when she was in her floaty toy she was kicking to move around, but this was new to us. She is usually pretty serious while in the pool and only really cares about chewing on a rubber duck and will smile when I blow bubbles, so it was nice to see her "swimming" and getting excited. I look forward to try again next week and then the Olympic trials! No pressure Jenna :)