Wednesday, November 30, 2011

11 months old

11 months old
 I can't believe my little baby is almost a year old (I know as my mom reads this she is thinking "I can't believe my baby is almost 30 years old"...I now know how you feel mom). 

Jenna is starting to look more like a little girl/toddler. I am so proud of my baby and how much she has grown and changed. It is amazing to me how she can learn something new everyday. She is really a joy in our lives and we are truly blessed. Just yesterday as we were in Target a lady came up and told me how beautiful she was and then said "I can tell she has a sweet soul." This describes her perfectly and it warmed my heart that a stranger could see what I see every day!

Changes in the last month:
  • Her hair has grown so much in the last month. I think I am going to have to trim the back in fear that she may start to get a mullet!
  •  She now has two teeth (both on the bottom).
  • Crawling like an inch worm (see previous post)
  • Will stand against the coffee table and sometimes will cruise
  • Has showed us her dance moves
  • Goes to bed awake and puts her self to sleep
  • Loves snacks, especially puffs and cherrios
  • Plays peek-a-boo
  • Waves when you say "Hi"
  • Enjoys reading more and more
  • Wants to eat whatever we are eating and will come towards us if we have food
  • Has taken a few steps while we hold her hands

I Love Lucy

Jenna has a new friend named Lucy and we recently went to her house to play. Lucy's dad (Jeremy) works with Jeff and her mom (Bonnie) recently quit work to stay at home. Lucy is 8 months old and so sweet. She is very adventurous and I think it is good for Jenna to be around her and learn that she too can crawl and explore. I can tell that Lucy is very curious and goes after what she wants. Meanwhile I have miss unsocial sitting and watching as Lucy is bringing us toys. Jenna actually wasn't as shy as normal (I think she does better in small groups) and actually showed Lucy the inch worm once and waved at her. We had a great time and look forward to having another play date.
 **Notice how Lucy crawls towards me and Jenna stays in the same place :)

The Inch Worm

Jenna is now moving around...but not crawling like the traditional way (hands and knees). Our baby crawls like an inch worm. She pulls up on her arms and then brings her whole body forward (like an inch worm). This is the way she has found to be the best mode of transportation, although it takes a few extra minutes to get where she wants to go. 
 Recently she has found a bin of remotes and will go on the hunt for them.
Remotes found!
I was getting a little concerned that we were never going to have a baby that crawls. Especially when we go to Book Babies at the library and see other babies her age crawling fast and beginning to take steps. Meanwhile, we are sitting quietly together watching the madness of crawling/scooting/walking. I wish I had my camera when we are around other babies. Jenna stares at everyone as if she is studying what is going on and is vigorously sucking her thumb (I think she has some social anxiety). Most of the time we sit and play with the 3-6 month olds aka the non-mobile ones. After awhile she warms up and will start smiling and socializing. We have been on several play dates lately and each time we have to sit together and watch everything before she will make her move to a toy she wants. It is very funny to see her like this and hoping she will feel more confident & social when she is fully mobile.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Kauai in October

We were lucky enough to travel to Hawaii again last month and this time we went to Kauai. Grandma Myrene, Glenn, Auntie Krissa, Uncle Brian and Cousin Kailey were able to go too. We had a lot of fun and many great memories. Here is some pictures from the trip:

Friday, November 4, 2011

Carving a Pumpkin on Nov. 3rd

Since we were in Hawaii until the day before Halloween we didn't have time to carve a pumpkin until last night. We figured that Jenna wouldn't know the difference. Heck, we celebrated Easter on another day because Jeff had to work and her birthday is going to be celebrated early this year. Maybe we will start a new tradition, and celebrate all holidays on a different date!
Love her face here!
 She was so unsure about what we were doing and why daddy was cutting into that orange thing. Jeff gave her some of the insides/seeds to look at and touch. She examined the pile thoroughly before finally touching it. She did like chewing on a piece.

We now have a pumpkin carved and on our porch...better late than never!


 It was Jenna's first Halloween and we decided to dress her up as a Lobster! 
A not so happy lobster
We were invited by Michelle (Jeff's co-worker) and Brian to come over to their house to have dinner and let our babies play. They have a 9 1/2 month old, Gabe. He was dressed up as a lion. 
I have noticed that Jenna gets very shy around new people and is very unsure about other babies. She usually stares at them. This was the case when we got to their house. She was like a turtle that went back into its shell to hide. She stares and holds on tight to me. Meanwhile, Gabe was so happy to see her that he crawled right over and grabbed onto her. This did not end well and there were many tears. In the end she did warm up a little and we went to a few houses to trick-or-treat. The babies were so cute and someone even asked us if they were twins. Later we put Jenna in a cow costume that came from cousin Kailey. I think she liked it better because she could move around.
Gabe likes Jenna...Jenna not so sure
The 1st Halloween was a success! I look forward to next year when she is running around :) and knows what candy is.