36 Weeks (4/5/13) |
- Will Jenna love, be interested and not hit her baby brother? We have been continuing to prep her the best we can. She has been reading a big sister book daily and we explain how she will be so important to him and be a big helper to us. She loves helping!
- Will I be able to give them both equal attention? Then I think of my mom with newborn triplets and a 3 year old and I know if she can do it. I can too!
- When will labor start? The doctor says anytime. I was dilated to 1cm last week. Irregular contractions started yesterday. I feel prepared...mostly.
- Will Jenna be a good girl while we are away? Please god I hope so!
- Will my natural instinct kick in on how to care for a newborn again? I've been brushing up on my newborn book.
- Will we decide on a name before he is born? Not looking good. It has been challenging this time. The only thing we can agree on is that it probably won't be a "J" name. We don't really want to continue that theme and didn't want to be restricted to just "J" names.
Other News:
This pregnancy has gone by so fast and pretty smoothly compared to the end with Jenna. I have had no health issues (thank goodness) and feel pretty good. My doctor has told me several times how much better I look than last time..not sure if this is a compliment or not :) As of 11:04pm last night, this is the longest I have ever been pregnant (37 weeks, 1 day)! Can't imagine waiting another 3 weeks, we shall see!
My friend Lindsay and I took a few pregnancy pictures last week. She is 4 weeks behind me and we thought it would be fun to have a belly pic for the future BFF's (like their sisters).
Left: Lindsay (32 Weeks) Right: Me (36 Weeks) |
Current BFF's: Addie & Jenna playing last week |