Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Mom's Group

I was invited to become a member of a local mom's group a few weeks ago and it is very fun. They are a group of mom's that had babies between November 2010 and January 2011 (so all the babies are around Jenna's age). They originally started meeting at OHSU (hospital where Jeff works and where Jenna was born) in January 2011. I was invited to attend, but I was a little overwhelmed at the beginning of Jenna's life that I did not go. Looking back I really wish that I would have gone (especially since they have become good friends and a support group). Over the summer I met one of the mom's at the weekly swimming class that we go to. I had seen her a few times and felt like I knew her and then it clicked that she was in my birthing class. Then when we were at the SeaTac in September waiting for our flight home to Portland, I spotted another mom from our birthing class (she and her husband were our partners in group activities) and approached her. We talked and shared information got together a few times in the fall. She mentioned the OHSU mom's group and said that I should join (it started at OHSU and now is their own group). Next thing you know I got an invite! It is made up of 20 or so other mom's and they will sometimes meet last minute or plan play dates. We have been to several different activities and Jenna seems to like it. Here are pictures from a play date recently. Jenna was really shy at first (as usual) and then she warmed right up and started playing with others.
Jenna in the middle in purple
Playing with Archer
Archer isn't so sure about me.
This is right before Jenna realized that door behind the bag opened
Wanting to play!
A few weeks ago they had a group 1st birthday party for all the babies and it was really fun.
One of the mom's made a birthday banner with pictures of each baby
Jenna's picture on the banner
Mom's and babies

Dad's and babies
Daddy got to come
The group has been nice to be able to ask others for advice and if someone is running to the library or for coffee and wanting others to meet up. Just last week a mom (Raena) was heading to the mall and asked if anyone wanted to join. Jenna and I went and she played in the play area with her new friend Timothy. While Raena and I chatted. She is also a resident wife, so we were able to bond over that. It has been good for me and most of all for Jenna!

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